Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fresh Meat aftermath

This isn't really Starry Knights related, but look! Megan and I are mentioned by name! Very exciting.

Starry Knights is, unfortunately, on hiatus for the foreseeable future. Megan and I both simply have other projects that we are working on. Nonetheless, we certainly plan to come back to finish it... one day....

-H.H Finkelstein

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Starry Knights returns!!

As of Monday January 19, Starry Knights will continue to update on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On the downside, another huge break in updates may be expected in April, but we are currently working in order to preemptively minimalize the length of the April break. Until then, huzzah for the return!

-H.H Finkelstein

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Okay, so... here is the deal:

There IS more Starry Knights. It has been written and drawn and is in the computer. Rel and Megan, however, have spent the past several months working very hard on OTHER comics (which may or may not end up on the Starry Knights website or elsewhere on the internet), and will continue do to so at least until May. Nonetheless, Starry Knights will definitely return over the Summer, if not sooner (we hope sooner!).

Until then, we will both be quite busy with school work, unfortunately.

-H.H Finkelstein